Dec 22, 2008 18:37
7 things meme
I. Seven things that scare you
1- Waxworks.
2- Losing someone I love.
3- Mannequins.
4- Stuffed (taxidermied) animals.
5- Dying.
6- Flying.
7- Drowining.
II. Seven things you like the most
1- Music
2- Movies
3- Drinking wine
4- Smoking
5- Clothes (wearing them, looking at them, criticising them)
6- Walking
7- Food *_*
III. Seven random facts about you
1- I breathe very shallowly, so I yawn a lot.
2- I surf 4chan
3- I'm really lonely
4- I have green and gold eyes, the iris is green with a gold ring and flecks.
5- I sing along to music REALLY loud when I'm walking around late at night.
6- I can never fall asleep facing someone else.
7- I'm claustrophobic
IV. Seven things you plan to do before you die
1- Work in Japan
2- Have a baby
3- Kiss a stranger
4- Learn to drive
5- Learn to ski/snowblade
6- Write a book
7- Get a decent camera and keep a huge photo album
V. Seven things you can do
1- I can sing
2- cook a bit
3- build computers
4- write HTML
5- crochet
6- swear a lot
7- spend money
VI. Seven things you can't do
1- dance
2- competitive sports, i just don't have the motivation
3- learn things quickly
4- see anything through to the end
5- look objectively at something that affects me emotionally
6- save money
7- fall in love again
VII. Seven things that attract you to the opposite/same sex/someone with whom you wish to have relations
(well, I'm bi so I chose things for both boys and girls)
1- Nice eyebrows (don't ask, i don't know why)
2- Good, open body language
3- A sweet smile
4- A nice voice
5- Happy to give me some space to be a recluse
6- Can speak another language
7- Not be as thin as a rake. Don't have to be BUILT, just not so skinny your hips could cut cheese. It's not hot.
VIII. Seven things you say the most
1- Shit
2- Fuck
3- Mm. (as in positive aknowlegement)
4- Hey, fuckers!
5- Kind of...
6- "I/he/she/they pretty much just rofl'd all over the floor"
7- LOL
IX. Seven celebrity crushes
1- YamaPi
2- Robert Downey JR
3- Ellen Page (STFU)
4- Shiina Ringo
5- Takeshi Kaneshiro
6- Noah Wyle
7- Horikita Maki
X. Seven songs you're really into lately
1- ギブス - Shiina Ringo
3- IV - X-Japan
4- 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay) - Shinee
5- Imagine - Brunch (from There She Is!! Step 5) (actually, John, I have their whole album, it's really good stuff)
6- MY MEDICINE - Mika Nakashima
7- Beyonce - Listen
XI. Seven people you want to tag
Anyone who wants to do it, but let me know if you do so I can go read!
what i do when i'm bored,