Aug 26, 2008 22:31
Hi, I'm Suzanne. I'm 31 and have a 3yo daughter, Penny. My husband Byron is 40 and we decided when Penny was not yet a year that she'd be our only. Byron got a vasectomy pretty soon after that and hooray! We're done! ;0
I had thought that I wanted two b/c I grew up as an only...kind of. I have 6 much older half siblings, but from about age 4 and up, I was the only one in the house. I'm my mom's only child and my parents were in a different place when I was a kid then when they had the rest of the kids around.
I honestly don't remember if I was terribly lonely as an only. I had a neighbor friend that I played with all through elementary school and my family was very active in church, so I was with other kids a lot. I think that I just figured that two was a good number to have...and had never considered only having one until I started talking about trying for #2 when a friend found out she was pregnant. How fun to be pregnant together!! ;P Byron and I talked it out and I was surprised to find that I really truly only wanted one. I knew that I could be an awesome mom to one, but wasn't sure that I'd be able to do well with two. Growing up an only had made me kind of spoiled.... :) Penny was an easy baby, and we figured, "why mess with a good thing?!". I'd also had a still born before having Penny, along with a miscarriage in between and pregnancy was no fun for me. So many signs pointed to NO MORE!
I have a couple of friends who have only one, but no LJ friends that do. I'd love to have LJ friends with only one (on purpose). I wasn't sure how to go about finding any though, as I didn't want to seem snobbish in any of the meet/add me... communities. Hooray for interest search!
So, I'm happy to be in this community and plan on participating, but if anyone is looking for new LJ friends, look me up!