O M G !!! WANT!!!!

Jul 09, 2008 11:35

I was bumbling about random images on a feed from LJ, when I happened apon THIS

which led me to THIS

Which got me all excited.. so i followed the link to THIS

So i just HAD to go and look HERE!!!

The short version?? Delorean Motor Company are now selling NEW DELOREANS.. Despite the fact they are heavy as sin, drive like tanks, contribute to the demise of our weather paterns like a Hummer, I have wanted one since the mid 80's. The opnly thing they say you can't have is a Flux Capacitor. *dammitt*

The one I would place at the top of my wish list.. Only US$71,343.25.. plus GST and what ever other imports cost. So i'm guessing around an even AUS$100K should about do it..

Might be a while yet..


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