mini rant

Jul 01, 2008 11:58

I have been looking at ways to reduce carbon emissions. The usual solar panel/wind turbine etc options all come easily to hand... just need to be not renting. poo.

Got to thinking about CO2 and how it got to be in the atmosphere in the first place.

Lets see.. pull a whole shitload of carbon rich compounds out of the ground (coal, oil etc), burn the stuff so that it's releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. THEN, go and knock down the green things that eat it, returning the CO2 levels to "normal" The final product is increased CO2.

What do I see as the obvious solution? (tho to be honest I have no idea how to do it) SOMEHOW, we need to extract elemental carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere, and put that back into the ground. Simple huh?

All these current plans to sequester (read "hide the problem till later") CO2 below ground scare me no end. It's not dealing with the problem, just the symptom. Hybrid vehicles disturb me. They use almost as much fuel as a standard car, unless they are driven correctly. I guarantee most are not driven optimally. sell converted hatches that are fully electric. Combine that with green power, or better, your own solar array, and there's a good start.

We are blessed with copious sunlight. Why are solar panels not endemic?

We are blessed with shirtloads of coast, where are the massive arrays of wind turbines?

I am seriously befuddled and frustrated by the obviousness of the problem and the apparent lack of testicular fortitude demonstrated by those allegedly in power to serve the people, not themselves.

*exit stage left looking to cool the planet somehow.*
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