In an effort to lighten my mood

Apr 21, 2008 22:29

1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?
2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
Yes Please
3. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
It's a kingsize, so there's plenty of room for company.
4. Pork, beef or chicken?
All of the above.
5. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke?
Oh yes.
6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
Not for money... yet. Offers?
7. Shower or bath?
with the water restrictions.. short showers.
8. Do you pee in the shower?
Are the Kennedy's gunshy?
9. Mexican or Chinese?
Boycotting chinese... I'll take mexican
10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
A bit of both can be fun.
11. Do you love someone in your top friends list?
12. Do you know all the people in your friends list?
Not all of them
13. Love or money or cuddling?
Preferably all at once
14. Credit cards or cash?
I have no credit, by choice. If i can't afford it, i go without.
15. Have you ever had anyone in your family you wish wasn't?
Hell yes.
16. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel?
Either is fine with the right company
17. What is the weirdest place you have had sex?
In the back seat of a 1956 Morris Minor, at the Drive In.
18. Would you shave your entire body (including your head)?
for the right reason / person
19. Have you ever been to a strip club?
Hello.. is this thing on? DUH!
20. Ever been to a bar?
21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club?
yes... not always at closing time
22. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere?
Supported.. not carried. I could walk, but balance was an issue.
23. Kissed someone of the same sex?
24. Had sex in a movie theatre?
25. Had sex in a bathroom?
26. Have you ever had sex at work?
27. Have you ever been in an "adult" store?
Oh lots of times
28. Bought something from an adult store?
29. Have you been caught having sex?
yes.. long time ago now
30. Does anyone have naughty pics of you?
no.. i'm kinda camera shy.
31. Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name?
*hangs head* yes.
32. Who do you think has the guts to repost this?
Hopefull most. Never know.


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