ch ch ch changes...

Apr 15, 2008 07:34

Seems I have been running a "friends only" LJ for too long now. So here's one that is public. Just for a change.

Seems I am pants at getting ready for work today. Normally I am already there, or at least mostly so, by now. Guess what? I am still at home. Ah well. Thank heavens for flexible working hours. Actually, the new job is teh awesome, but the fact it is contract blows mighily. Thankfully the council pay well, even more so for contractors. If I had stayed with my old job, I would have earned the same amount by the end of the calendar year, as i am going to by the end of the financial year with this new job. That makes me happy. I have even bought a new(er) car, this time an auto. I think the deceased feline is appreciating immensely.

In political rantings,

Personally, I am boycotting the Olympics this year. I am trying to boycott stuff and things made in china, tho thats actually harder than I realised. I'm being sensible about it tho, sometimes you can't help but buy chinese made. I have bought a few items protesting against the chinese annexation of the sovereign nation of Tibet, including supporting (reporters without borders). These guys rock mightily and place themselves in very dangerous situations to bring the truth of a situation to public scrutiny.

Moving house is a process that blows mighty chunks of suck. Currently having 5 weeks left to find a new home. Seems the owners of the house we have called home for the last 2 years want their house back. It's not an eviction as such, because it's not being advertised as available. Personally i think it's just that they finally realised how undervalued the place is and want to put the rent up by a metric shitload, which they can't do while we are in here. Finding a home for 5 people can be difficult.

Despite the residential and employment uncertainty, I am happier now than I have been in a long time. This is mostly thanks to the lovely deceased feline. Thankyou my dear. You rock more than .. well.. rocks.

Add to that the band practice session I managed to sweet talk my way into on sunday, which I have to say, rocked almost as much, and life is pretty good indeed. MYTHOLOGY
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