Status Report.

Dec 01, 2015 23:21

Deviation Ratio: 0.00127 (back of neck).
Second Closest to Zero Closest as of NDXXXX result of 0.00010's culling.

Distinguishing Traits: Large scar tracing spinal cord result of an attack by 0.59159. Other scars present, none marked enough to note as distinguishing. Hair cut short as a result of 0.00010's persuasion.

Notable Social Relations with Other Replicas:
Note: As a result of 0.00127's #1-9.50 programming (see below), it seldom has the chance to connect with other replicas (derealization resulted in a marked inability to tell apart other replicas, depersonalization resulted in a marked inability to see itself as individual/real). Witnessing tests in progress/results of tests often trigger this reaction.

  • Positive relationship with 0.00010. 0.00010 seems to have taken 0.00127 in as a 'younger sibling' figure. 0.00010 can subdue 0.00127's dissociative reactions.

    Addendum: As of NDXXXX, 0.00127 has culled 0.00010 result of the latter's own request. Culled by strangulation. (cross-reference 0.00010 for more details, highly classified)
  • Hostile relationship with 0.59159. 0.59159 seems to enjoy triggering 0.00127's dissociative reactions as possible revenge for it being closer to zero (cross-reference: 0.59159).
  • Null relationship with 0.49931. 0.49931 has been culled by 0.00127 result of the latter's request. A failed #6-8.21 (Forced Fonon Frequency Alteration via Direct Infusion) caused 0.44931 to attack and kill 0.20155. Made the request to 0.00127 during a brief moment of clarity. Culled through multiple stab wounds using the same chair leg used to kill 0.20155.
  • Null relationship with 0.05832. 0.05832 has been culled by 0.00127 result of the latter's request. During the lockdown of NDXXXX, several samples were lost due to malnutrition. 0.05832 requested 0.00127 cull and ingest it due to him being closer to zero.

    Note: Cannibalism has not affected 0.00127's fonon frequency.

    Addendum: 0.00127 first began showing guilt reactions two weeks after the lockdown was lifted, possible result of 0.60015's accusations. Continue observations of other reactions.
  • Neutral relationship with 0.25913. 0.25913 seems to be the only one who approaches 0.00127 after the lockdown of NDXXXX. The samples have split into those who endured the starvation and those who partook in cannibalistic activity; perhaps 0.25913 feels closer to 0.00127 as a result of being one of the latter category.

    Note: 0.59159 has not warmed up to 0.00127 despite sharing cannibalistic activity. Observe continued hostile relations.
  • Null relationship with 0.91185 and 0.70016. 0.91185 and 0.70016 were culled by 0.00127 result of the latter's request. A failed #6-8.55 (Forced Fonon Frequency Alteration via Limb Swapping) caused immense pain on both 0.91185 and 0.70016, who then came to 0.00127 to alleviate said pain. Both culled via strangulation.

Note #2: Despite 0.00127's talkative and warm nature, its inability to recognize other samples as individuals has made it become the 'go-to' in regards of 'mercy culling'. Observations for guilt reactions noted; however, they often trigger dissociation and end in 0.00127 justifying its actions via deviant thought patterns inspired by 0.00010 prior to culling.

Test History:

#1-9.50 Subliminal Programming Post-Creation. Result: Successful.

  • Note: Standard test tried on all first generation replicas (original zero: Luke fon Fabre, 10 yrs old, cross-reference: "Asch the Bloody"). All gave the desired results--subliminal programming can be used when the subjects are in altered states of mind (0.00127's test case used mental duress via verbal abuse, though other more benign forms such as meditation and chemical induced altered states have produced similar results).
  • 0.00127's programming results in states of dissociation (cross-reference: derealization, depersonalization) when mentally pressured, i.e. facing moral dilemmas, emotional/physical abuse, flight or fight circumstances.

#4-1.50 Enhancing Sensory Information (Sensation). Result: Failure.

  • 0.00127 displays heightened pain threshold and difficulty in realizing differences in temperature unconsciously. Will still compensate for temperature differences through sweating, shivering, etc.; however, 0.00127 seems unaware until temperature differences are pointed out to it.
  • Note: #4-1.50 replicated on 0.25913 and 0.60015. Of the three, both 0.60015 and 0.00127 showed the same result while 0.25913 gave the desired result. The usefulness of #4-1.50 has been called into question; recommended to replicate at least twice more before voiding the test altogether.
  • Addendum: One year after undergoing #4-1.50, 0.00127 appears to have an even more heightened pain threshold but has begun to display signs that lighter touches (example: hugs, tickling) result in heightened pain reactions. 0.25913 refuses to wear clothing on account of the fabric 'hurting'; this, however, was the expected result. 0.60015 results remain static. #4-1.50 replicated on 0.34900, desired results obtained. Continue observation on 0.00127.
  • Addendum 2: Six months after previous addendum, no further changes in 0.00127's condition regarding #4-1.50.

  • Current Standing: Should not be culled. Interesting reactions yield entertainment value; however, it is debatable whether or not the loss of so many samples lowers his own value as a sample. Fonon frequency altering tests should not be used--they often result in death of a sample (whether via mercy culling--debatable whether any other replica aside from 0.59159 could cull 0.00127--or otherwise via insanity). 0.00127 may prove useful should a replacement 0 be required; however, the fonon frequency alterations should first be successfully replicated from previously successful trials (cross-reference 0.59159, now 0.39139, and 0.42001, now 0.41592).
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