Почему канадское правительство не хочет помочь людям страдающим рассеянным склерозом (Multiple Sclerosis)? Не потому ли что замешаны интересы крупных фармацевтических компаний, которые потеряют свои миллиарды если их лекарства перестанут применять?
http://www.ottawacitizen.com/opinion/Canada+patients+owed+explanation/4055209/story.html I have MS and CCSVI. I was treated in the US with angioplasty and felt better, but re-stenosed. I was treated in Poland with angioplasty and stent and felt better, but re-stenosed. Next month I return to the US for angioplasty and stent treatment. This is all very expensive, and should be available in Ontario. It is not, because for decades Big Pharma has controlled the players in the health care delivery sectors, and the MS Society, and will lose billions of dollars (Betaseron is $1,700/month) if CCSVI treatment is available to MS sufferers. Dosanjh asks "...who must be held accountable for the abject abdication of responsibility?" The players should be brought to the civil courts for damages (loss of income, pain and suffering, wrongful death) and the criminal courts (criminal negligence).
Thomas Richards
Toronto Criminal Lawyer