Oct 05, 2004 16:46
im going to arkansas tomorrow until sunday because my school gets those days off!.i love my school.we are going to arkansas to see my Nanny who had a heart attack like 2 months ago and shes okay,but she has some brain damage.and im really looking forward to see her.but its also going to be very sad too.i remember first seeing her in the hospital room and i just broke down and cryed.i never thought that would happen to her.well im going to try to calm myself down.its just very hard for me.well just pray for me and her n Poppy because he has been taking care of her alot.sometimes she falls down and he has to call 911 b/c he cant get her up.so just please pray for them.
God Bless
P-S-mat i hope i can talk to you before i leave.i wil definitley be missing you.and we so need a date ASAP.<3 you