Yeah, I don't ever update about things, but this is important. The same night that my history professor told us that his father-in-law was diagnosed with leukemia, one of the guys in the class announced that he would be running in Anchorage, Alaska for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. His goal is $5,000, but you can donate any amount. I myself have donated $25 - and intend on donating more should I have the extra cash. Even if you can give a dollar, it will help towards the cause. Please visit this
link and donate what you can.
I know we're all poor, but giving a dollar or two to a good cause is well worth it. Skip the coffee one day and donate the two bucks instead. Imagine the good karma you'll receive. ;-)
Hey everyone,
It's me, Rob Stuart, from your history class.
I'm involved in a fundraising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The proceeds go towards cures for people with the disease.
The way the Society raises the money is by hosting athletic events around the nation... triathalons, century rides, marathons... well, I signed up to run a half marathon in Anchorage Alaska on June 23rd.
My goal to get there is to raise $5,000 for the society.
80% of the money raised goes directly to help patients and their families get treatment and help. The rest covers the expenses of getting participants to the event,lodging, etc.
Why am I doing this? Several reasons.
1. I wasn't really doing anything else... and I like helping people.
2. It is a personal challenge.
3. The day I actually decided to send in my forms (after much deliberation), I learned that my History Professor's father- in- law had just been diagnosed with an acute form of leukemia. I will be running the event in honor of him and the tough battle he and his whole family will be facing in the months ahead. As well as another woman who has donated to the cause, whose uncle was just recently diagnosed with the disease.
4. Because I believe that with commitment, trust, belief, and positive action, we can make a difference in our own lives and the lives of others.
Now, like I said, I've never run a marathon before... 26 miles. I am going to do a half marathon, which is 13. But I am making a commitment to you all. I have less than 84 days to get ready to run this race, and I will be ready.
But I can't do this all by myself. I need your help to get me there, so we can make a difference. I am asking you to please donate, whatever you can. More importantly, I am asking you to please forward this letter on to everyone you know...
Family, friends, collegues, business associates... any billionaires ?
Just follow this link to my donation page. Also, Tax ID numbers are available if you need them for your records. Simply contact me via email.
70 days and counting. I'll do all the legwork, but I want you all to help me by giving as much as you possibly can afford.
Thank you all so much
PS You know when times are tough, there is always somebody else in this world who is having a harder time than you are... check out this poor kid for example. Have a great day everyone :)