Words That I've Learnt

Jan 16, 2006 15:38

i'm fm chinese school and chinese was my 1st language so there's many other words that wasn't taught during my school time:

Gorgeous - It mean handsome... or more then handsome. But until you seen something, then you'll got the feeling that it meant for that word.

Lame - Dunno the actual meaning... does it mean 冷笑话? Until a friend's friend talk abt some jokes, then we think his jokes were very lame and stupid.

Vogue - When Madonna came out with the song "Vogue". I was working in Esprit (10 years back) and did asked my colleagues/friends what's the meaning of that. Well, they didn't really answer my question or they dunno how to explain. Anyway, I found out the mean now which in Chinese is 时髦。

Bull shit - Didn't really scold a lot of bad words during school time (quite a good boy at that time ^ ^). But I think bull shit is usefull especially when people is talking rubbish. Am I bull shiting now?

Fuck - Starting to scold this during Esprit time. Dunno why, just feeling fucking shiok after scolded. Especially when facing nasty customer. But don't think it's fucking good to scold to much... :P

Queer - What is queer? The translation is 奇怪。Here's said:
  1. Deviating from the expected or normal; strange: a queer situation.
  2. Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric. See Synonyms at strange.
  3. Of a questionable nature or character; suspicious.
  4. Slang. Fake; counterfeit.
  5. Feeling slightly ill; queasy.
  6. Offensive Slang. Homosexual.
  7. Usage Problem. Of or relating to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, or transgendered people.


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