Friday afternoon

May 11, 2007 12:44

Sitting in a coffee bar, eating lunch. Went food shopping today. Even the farmer's market is getting expensive around here. I'm sitting next to a table full of Assembly of God youth pastors. I'm not trying to listen in, but every few minutes I hear some loud comment about Jesus's love. I guess they think being loud is the same as being a witness. "sigh" Gotta love when they were talking about being slain in the spirit

Today is the first storm game of the season that my husband will be freelancing at. We need the money so it's a good thing, but there was a fatal accident on I-5 so the traffic up there will be awful for him. Tomorrow I was planning on doing some real yard and garden work, but I think I am going over to my friend's who just lost her husband. I think a couple of us are going to help clean her house for her and make some more food for her.

Sunday does need to be spent on the yard. Some mother's day plans eh? today must be housework day. Which means I need to get off this computer and go pick up the kids and go home.

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