Jul 06, 2010 05:19
Still pregnant.
Fuck off if you think it's funny.
Did acupuncture yesterday. It hurt way more than I thought it would, wasn't the least bit relaxing, and didn't seem to accomplish much. It actually still hurts where he stuck the needles into my sacrum and hooked them up to a TENS machine.
Acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, red raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, walking, chiropractic, spicy food, guided imagery, and still no freakin baby. I'm drawing the line at castor oil.
Sheila's family and co-workers are being really obnoxious with the "have you had that baby yet?" phone calls and facebook messages. I've stopped responding. And I'm tired of hearing all this bullshit about how just because she's late being born means she's going to be stubborn her entire life "just like her mom".
I could go into more detail about how irritated & frustrated & miserable I am right now, but I won't. I've been getting the snot kicked out of me all night so at least I know she's okay.
We're considering induction on Sunday (42w mark) if she's not born before then. Still weighing the pros and cons.
41 weeks