peaches is working today and won't be back until at least 9 tonight because she's going somewhere else after work. some church thing.
i didn't see much of her at all yesterday either.
i've ordered pizza hut and am going to relax and listen to some
my three shrinks podcasts.
boy, this entry is turning out to be about nothing. i remember the days when i would update 3-5 times a day, just with what i was doing. last night i slept x hours, then i had ____ for breakfast, etc. now i only write about things that are important, mostly. and even with some important things, i don't write about them because i don't want to think about them. and this is a bad thing. perhaps i should have mentioned that there was a frickin FIRE in our apartment building, in the apartment right across the hall from us, a few weeks ago, and the building had to be evacuated, and i freaked out because i was home alone and i couldn't get all the animals out, and the firefighters made me go sit in the ambulance because i ran outside with no coat, no socks or shoes, and it was like 25f or something (everyone wound up being okay though).
so there. i wrote about it. that was supposed to have been therapeutic or something.
i'm gonna go back to forgetting about it now.