forty degrees when i tell a @#$% please

Jul 13, 2004 16:43

today i was just sitting on a bench watching one of the thousand kids we have here for camp. He was sitting on a bench across from me with his " crew". This kid was hilarious, lemme describe a bit, he had two shirts on, one of them over his right shoulder, then he had on about 4 necklaces with medallions and rings on them, and enough bling bling to make jay-z jealous. I have no idea why i get such a kick out of wiggers...So im watching him watch other people and hes just bobbin to music in his head i geuss when out of nowhere he blurts out " west coast riders, coming up behind ya". I laughed so hard and so loud that everyone was staring at me, the kid even looked at me and gave a cautious laugh. Oh man, those kids and their rap music.
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