[Name] Stephanie
[Screen name] TodayIsFire00
[Birthday] August 15, 1985
[Age] 19
[Astrological sign] leo, growl.
[Chinese zodiac sign?] meh?
[Location] Livingston, NJ, patiently waiting the day i can LEAVE here foreverrrr
[Sexual Preference] boys are pretty =D
[Marital Status] not married
[Religion] catholic? i really dont follow it, i just like christmas.
[Eye color] brown
[Height] 5'4
[Parents still together] yea, they really shouldnt be though.
[Siblings] brother, 15, he's a good egg.
[Nieces/Nephews] sorta? i got a bunch from my step sisters.
[Pets] jake, my dog. gatino, my sexy cat, and bunny.
[What do you drive] 1999 black honda civic coupe. the back bumper is falling off due to me being stupid a few too many times. i love my little piece of shit =)
[Color] RED
[Number] 15 or 23
[Animal] elephant!!
[Vehicle] i want something small and fast and zippy, and forgien, id really like an acura RSX
[Flower] pink rose
[Scent] bath and body works stuff, boys
[Drinks]me and booze dont get along so much, but mikes hard lemonade is amazing.
[Soda] sprite, or diet pepsi
[Book] yea, i dont read.
[Band] ehh, of all time? id have to say matchbox20, or our lady peace. olp has put out 5 cds and i love them all, i cant say that about many bands.
Do you...
[Color your hair?] the most ive done is highlighted my hair. the last time i did it was for senior prom 2 years ago, and theyre STILL growing out. it looks sorta funny now.
[Twirl your hair?] yeaaa sometimes
[Have tattoos?] i really want a small star on my foot, but im very back and forth about it only because the rumors ive heard about foot tattoos. we'll see...
[Have Piercings?] 5 in my ears, tounge, nips.
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] i effing miss you so much<3
[Cheat on tests/homework?] i have
[Drink/Smoke?] drink on occasion, thats it.
[ Like roller coasters?] YA! they're so fun!
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] yesssss
[Want more piercings?] yea, but im very limited now. no more facial piercings. if i EVER get skinny, id like my lower belly button pierced.
[Like cleaning?] i dont mind it once i start. i never really finish though.
[Write in cursive or print?] print
[Sweat a lot?] only when ur suposto sweat i guess?
[Own a web cam?] nah, i should get one though.
[Know how to drive?] not very well, but sure!
[Diet?] ::pokes at flub::
[Own a cell phone?] yea, we have a love-hate relationship
Have you ever...
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] HAHA! ive got many-a-speeding tickets. 93 in a 65 is my biggest, and my licence is suspended for a year in the state of Ohio.
[Been in a wreck?] sorta? i rearended someone 2 years ago, it wasent very bad though.
[Been arrested?] nope
[Been in a fist fight?] nope
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] by accident... oops
[Stolen anything?] probably something that wasent worth anything
[Held a gun?] yea, i shot a shot gun a few times. i guess i did pretty well for a first timer.
[Drank?] yes
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] nah
[Considered being a hooker?] they make more money than ill ever make...
[Cried over a girl?] yes but not for romantic reasons
[Cried over a boy?] too many times.
[Lied to someone?] yea
[Been in love?] yup<33
[Fallen for your best friend?] yup
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yea, regreted it too
[Been rejected?] sorta i guess?
[Been in lust?] i guess
[Used someone?] i guess.
[Been used?] yea im sure.
[Been cheated on?] meh.
[Been kissed?] yay for kissing
[Experimented with homosexuality?] made out with a girl for like 5 seconds, only cuz we were forced by boys =P
[Current mood] im sick as hell, therefore... im cranky. and im really lonley too =(
[Current taste] cough drops
[Current hair] down
[Current thing I ought to be doing] washing cloths for work tomorrow, sleeping.
[Current cds in stereo] i dont use a stereo anymore really. i use my ipod and my computer.
[Current job] dental assistant, waitress.
The last time...
[Last book you read] i dont reaaaad
[Last movie you saw] The Incredibles, which SUCKED
[Last thing you ate] i hate 2 bites of soup, then felt like i was gonna puke.
[Last person you talked to on the phone] lester
Do you...
[Do drugs?] nah.
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] when i was little, i always had this dream that there was lobsters living under my parents bed, and everytime someone would walk by their bed, the lobsters would crawl out and attack them and drag them under the bed. i had it for years. scarey shit man.
[Play an instrument?] sorta piano, sorta guitar, never stuck with anything long enough.
[Believe there is life on other planets?] sure
[Read the newspaper?] nah
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] mmhm
[Believe in miracles?] ive never witnessed one, so i guess not.
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] mmhm
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] if your dumb and annoying, no.
[Consider love a mistake?] nah
[Have a favorite candy?] reeses!
[Believe in astrology?] eh, not really.
[Believe in magic?] nah, its pretty dumb
[Believe in God?] eehhhh
[Do well in school?] i actually did pretty well for my standers last semester; 2 B's and a C
[Go to or plan to go to college] Essex County College, where i will get raped, or killed, or get my car stolen, or all 3!
[Wear hats?] nu uh.
[Hate yourself?] yea most of the time.
[Have an obsession?] probably.
[Collect anything?] nothing hardcore.
[Have a best friend?] got em
[Close friends?] mmhm
[Like your handwriting?] oh its horrible. im not allowed to lable files at work cuz no one can read my handwriting.
[Care about looks?] unfortinatly yes... my looks atleast.
Love life
[First crush] matt, kindergarden
[First kiss] ugh.
[single or attached?] attached
[Ever been in love?] mmhm
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] nah
[Do you believe in "the one?"] i think so
[Describe your ideal significant other] sweet, caring, faithful, always be there, fun, all hat typical stuff lol
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] pedidle!! only i never remove my cloths when im suposto. take that les! =P
[Have u ever skinny dipped?] nope
[Are you a tease?] ;)
[Shy to make the first move?] yea most of the time.
Are you a...
[Wuss] hardcore
[Druggy] nope
[Daydreamer] oh yeah
[Freak] nope
[Dork] yes
[Bitch/Asshole] i have my moments
[Brat] i dont think so?
[Sarcastic] sometimes
[Angel] nope
[Devil] i wouldnt say that...
[Shy] sometimes
[Talkative] depends
[Flirty] sometimes
im so bored, and so sick, and i miss lester. we had an awesome time. there was drunken times at my cousins house in PA on new years, and OF COURSE i got sick (grrrr) AND got hit on all night by my cousins husbands brother, while les was standing right next to me, creepy. did some shopping at the palisaides (sp?) mall which was a blast. went snowboarding for our first time with shamus and frank, which i SUCKED at, but post snowboarding was a great time at shamus's place (i almost got sick that time too! and i only had 3 beers. whats wrong with meeee?) then our trip to NYC which was so much fun, and our random farting around and being stupid and whatnot. we always have such a great time together, it just sucks so much when we leave eachother. ::sigh:: i'll live, i guess =p
btw, i appologize to anyone who tried to contact me the last 2 weeks if i didnt respond. i get really antisocial when les is here, cuz well... i never see him. so yea.
ummm, i think i have the flu, so i should really be sleeping since i have work at 9am tomorrow.
with that said,
im out.