Jul 20, 2005 01:46

There are times during your teenage years that your gunna get your heart broken, your gunna realize how people truly are and most of all your gunna see this shit and realize its not worth it... i have 4 of the best friends i can ever ask for... and i wouldnt trade them for the world.. when i can sit there and kno no matter what i do.. and kno that no matter the situation they will always be there for me... i had my stage where i met "new" people and totally forgot about the people that mattered the most... i made stupid ass desicisions and hung out with the wrong people... at this time i had a boyfriend named shawn.. i thought he was the one guy that truly cared about me... but he was like every other guy and only cared about one thing... but me being the stupid girl i am... i didnt listen to my friends when they told me not to bother with him cause hes just a looooooser.....but if u were there with all the bull shit lines he fed me and told me.. ud think he was a good guy too... but in the end they were right ... he was a fucking loser and i made the biggest mistake of my life...then i came to a conclusion.... im 17 years old i dont need this shit in my life... i wanna be with my girls and have a good time like we all used too before we all got tied up in the "boyfriend" thing... dont get me wrong girls if u read this... but boys fucking suck and after all the ones ive been around theres no ones u can trust... i dont kno why they are the way they are but maybe one day they'll grow up and see that there games they play arent gunna get them far... so gals... no matter what boys come and go... just kno that we'll always have eachother no matter what...

*Something can replace bad memories... but nothing can replace BESSSST friends!!!!!*


love ya girls!
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