Mari was here, she brought Brian. The past few days Misty has been here. In tow she brings Jennie. Eddie came over, which was totally cool. He's the dude who works at the sunglass place at the mall (other job: bouncer) who I ended up kissing at his job and exchanging numbers because Sarah and I were there to pick up a guy for her *rolls eyes* and I was showing her how it was done. Hey, he was cute, I couldn't help it. Anyway, he came over one time before and we did some coke together and ended up with me naked getting played with, and then he says "remember how I said I was a tease? I have to go now" and I decided to do my had-your-chance thing. Now I have a totally great, if a bit confused, platonic friend. We sat on my floor and talked about movies, stood on my porch and flirted about sex, and then I booted him off with a hug so I could go do something else with Harv.
Harv bought me these totally rockin new hide-a-knives and switchblades (uh i mean not switchblades cause those are illegal, but like CANDY switchblades. Yeah, thats it, theyre made out of candy.) I've even got a knife in the handle of a big green plastic comb that's totally hidden, as well as the typical pen-hidden knife that is also a lot more slick than it sounds. I've seen/heahead, human. While on the subject of spending money, we got me some excellent shirts (pictures pending) and I've ordered some books to replace stuff in my exs-are-bitches collection. I got the call that they came in, so I'm going to pick them up when Harv gets home from work tonight.
Cocaine: An Unauthorized Biorgaphy (look how they misspell "authorized" in the link but not in the review) by
Dominic Streatfeild and
Her Majesty's Wizard by Christopher Stasheff. (The first book in the A Wizard In Ryhme series, absolutly fantastic and repeatedly kept or stolen by significant others. Ironically, I'm getting it so Harv can read the series.)
In more visitation news, Donald also came over twice. Donald is the ex that I lived with when I was 18, the one gorgeous enough for me to ignore that laughable name, the one so fantastic in bed it takes my breath away even right now typing of it, the one who kept me encased in his house like a prized baseball card in a plastic sleeve. He was the up, the down, the good, the bad, the love, the second I think about lack of bed and privacy, overabundance of fleas. The next I think of cleaning with his sister and mother, curling up on the couch with him watching bad infomercials, tubing down the Delaware. We were always perfect for really tiny doses with no strings, but never got around to being such until now. Instead he was jealous and I was trapped. Now we're both pleased (and christmassy):
He: i can talk to you about other conquests
He: so you are serving the place of a low maintanence, highgrade pussy, and as confidant of sorts
Me: excellent
Me: you're not cock-on-call because you're not availible enough...but you're quality fucking almost on demand, and intelligent and on my level sexually when it comes to others
He: those other girls.. i dont tell them about other ones because honestly they dont want to know
Me: and i would be offended if you tried to pretend they weren't there
Me: we're all getting what we want
Me: only theirs is an illusion. mine is reality
Before the cream sits out too long, you must whip it.
Whip it good!
crack that whip
give the past the slip
step on a crack
break your momma's back
when a problem comes along
you must whip it
before the cream sits out too long
you must whip it
when something's going wrong
you must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
whip it good
when a good time turns around
you must whip it
you will never live it down
unless you whip it
no one gets their way
until they whip it
i say whip it
whip it good
-Devo, Whip It!
sweetbloodjunkie: i just heard stomping
sweetbloodjunkie: shit
one1below: hmm
one1below: do you have gutter punks there?
sweetbloodjunkie: haha
I have been getting emails from my parents almost daily...talking to them again is one of the absolute highest points of my new life. I feel "Touched By An Angel" *shudders*
I had so much more to say, but since I'm currently picking up the peices of my former internet life aka website, why waste this kinda thing on livejournal?
Whip it good!