(no subject)

May 25, 2007 22:01

well there's a lot that's happened in the last 2 weeks
i COULD talk about all of that, but most of my posts are pretty retrospective and I figure that this time i should speak on something that actually in the future.
which works well because this actually came to me earlier today, and now, if you so desire, you can read it

So, everyone keeps speaking of how school is ending, and we're going to graduate, and we're going to college and yada yada yada. you know what i'm talking about.. "oh we graduate in less than a month"
'tis all absolutely true and correct. we graduate in under 1 month, and then many of us are off to college, some of us is in faraway places.

BUT, has it occured to anyone, just how much STUFF there is left to do?
and yes, i will get to summer in a sec, but for right now, just think on the next 4 weeks.
yes, only FOUR weeks left, and one doesn't count, because we spend 3 days of it doing graduation stuff, one day taking period 1 finals and then going home, and that friday we get home from gradnite... so almost 3 weeks.

I know for me (maybe not for everyone) that i've still got at least one more massive project to do. we haven't taken finals yet. we haven't gone through the countless award ceremonies (diablo spirit, diablo excellence, top 25 [do they do those again this semester?], Cappies, Macy's, + various banquets, just to name a few).
For me, (as this is my journal, an i'm the one thinking these thoughts), it occured that i have at least 3 shows left in the next 3 weeks, in fact, no i have 4.
POPS, a dance show, another concert, and then an MPR show. Plus the aforementioned award ceremonies that i'll end up teching...
that's a lot of crap to do before i graduate...

Oh and don't forget, there's that whole graduating thing.. before we're officially out, we have to last 3 more weeks, and 2 days of graduation rehearsal. + the whole "graduation ceremony" and then there's Gradnite, for those that are going. just in those 2 weeks alone, there's all sorts of different stuff going on, and then suddenly we get home friday morning, and we're out of high school.. just like that.
all that crap, and then BOOM, it's over.

Ohhhh but wait.. in case it hasn't occurred to you yet, there's that whole summer thing..
you see, i know a bunch of you are definitely not happy to be leaving, are sad or are going to miss everyone so much.. and maybe i'm alone when i say that i am so out of here, and so ready to be gone, that college could not come fast enough...
but with that in mind, i realized just how much is going on over the summer.
everyone has work, and figuring out housing and financial stuff, and i'm sure a lot of people will really enjoy the month or so off.

I know i'll enjoy it, but it occured to me today just how much i really have going on, and how much i have left to go through. You see, for me, i don't start school until Novemeber 28th. And i won't leave until Nov 1st or 2nd, to drive to Florida. (yay florida) but it's May (almost June) ok, even after graduation (cuz i already talked about all that) let's say it's June..
(warning: the following is very ranty.. explanatory.. but very much so complaining about all the stuff i'm doing)
it's june 22nd.. Friday.. 2007
officially out of high school forever.
so all summer, and sept and oct, i'm working at my current job, cuz i make good money, and only work a little each day.. + i'm looking for a morning job to make extra money (suggestions?)

oh but you see, the first week of july.. and the second.. every night (except the 4th) is taken.. not only do i have 4+ shows left at school, but one week after i graduate, i'm working as an A2 in San Juan.. and the week after I'm a tech for South Pacific at SCLO, which means that every friday/satury/sunday after that first week is taken by SP.
yay theatre.

first week of august i do a children's VBS at St. Kilian's, that's cool.
i was asked to possibly do a couple shakespeare shows in San Juan over the summer.. not sure when those are yet, but i maye 2-3 more shows to do just with that..
then september i have at least 1 possibly 2 more shows (one of which may be at MVHS)
and as of right now, i may actually get some weekend nights to myself in Oct.. but that will probably change..

don't forget: morning job + day job + theatre + college stuff...
yay me..

now i don't complain about this stuff cuz i dont' want to do it, (ok ok, i don't want to work morning/day job.. but i need the cash)
i share all this stuff to prove a point.
yes, college is coming on fast, BUT there's still a CRAPLOAD of SHIT to do before then, and i don't see too many people who realize it just yet.
Ya ya, there's the lucky's going off Europe or taking 3 weeks of vacation.
that's real summer..
but for a lot of people, there's a lot to be done this summer..

don't forget than when you move.. you have to take a lot of your crap with you!
you know.. packing it up... in those "boxes" (boxes are those cardboard things homeless people live in O_o.. ya, those) you have to pack it all up.. and then move.. and then unpack it..

oh.. don't forget those bank accounts, the ones that are joint with your folks?
ya, might want to get your own. oh ya, you need credit scores where you're going.. so you might look into getting a credit card, oh but wait.. you don't have credit scores to get a credit card.. oops.
Oh ya, with that new bank account, a checking account might be a good idea.. and (i know some are ahead on this one) an ATM card might be wise..
don't forget that when you go to college, somehow you have to pay for all the stuff you eat and buy.. so a job in the area would be smart.. (yes.. you have BUY your OWN FOOD, and PAY YOUR OWN BILLS, scary stuff i know..)
speaking of bills.. telephone? tv? water? electricity? sewer? garbage? security deposits? credit cards? cell phone? bank fees? ya.. gotta pay for those..
(ok ok, some of you get off easy with your dorms and shit, but for the real people in real apartments, they have a lot to think about now)

i'm sure i left something out, but you all get the gist..
ya, that's what i decided. i decided we have a lot of shit to do this summer
and that (no, i don't give a damn what arguments you have against it) we're fucked.
unless you have been living on your own for the past year, you are not prepared for what life has to throw at you, and neither am i..

i also decided that that's the fun part.
Nature doesn't give a damn, and life isn't out to get you.
my goal in life is to fuck life, to screw the system over so badly that it doesn't know what hit it.
none of this starving college student shit, none of this wasting my life crap.
my goal is to fuck life, so that life doesn't have a chance to fuck me.

that went from very provacative.. to very angry.. very quickly..
oh thoughts
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