off wee goo

Sep 07, 2007 10:17

Yes, my dears, it's that time of year again..

here i've got my fluffy amazing new boots for russia
just like last time, this is a step which makes it all seem all the more near and exciting

i'm just waiting waiting for it..
23 days to go!

gad, though - yesterday i went to (try and) get my visa..
i had all the documents that the website (usually reliable) said i needed.. i get there, wait an hour for them to get off lunch, only to be told that "there's a little problem"..
god, i wasn't even really surprised
basically since i'm getting a business visa, it is assumed that i will be extending my visa when i get out there( damnit, foiled again..!) so they want me to have an hiv test.
oh, gay-o/.
usually i just would get it out there cause it's cheaper and easier
(i was at my gp at 9 this morning to get a Letter of REferral so that i can get an appointment at the private hospital for the test
which costs £54!)

so there, that's annoying
anyway apart from that i'm just really tired from working two jobs..
ah, soon it'll all be over
and i'll be with my beloved again

on another nice note, lots of my glasgow friends have called up recently to say lets meet
which is always nice
hope i can get time off work.. lala!
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