Jan 01, 2030 18:53
- notmeanttobefinished - like banal, raw. But on purpose.
- photos
- rambling - verses etc.
- silly - mostly a moment in time, questionably funny.
- sunset - provoked by something beautiful
- travels - understanable
- vaderism - of Lord Vader, who deserves His Own Tag
- wish you were here - concerning my best [a while ago] [male] friend
- Берг - I swear I’ll post more. About Berg’s work.
- Ларкин - a poet, best read in original
- СЭС учит жизни - first official work -related
- абстрактно - perhaps, the least original here; thoughts, facts, etc.
- ай лав инглиш - who doesn’t?
- другой говорил - something not my by creation or not characteristic to me
- жизнь животных - everyday life, common, raw, unrefined life
- забыть бы - don’t pay attention to it. I do try
- зооэкстаз - why zoology is brill
- коровы не ЛЕТАют - troubles, losses
- невозможное - dream or/and loss of control
- помните - on modern (mostly nature conservation) problems
- техническое - web-related
- фантастика - sci-fi etc
- френдам - to friends