(no subject)

Apr 02, 2010 17:18

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure everyone heard that announcement about the blood.

I am not staying in the kitchen at all hours to hand it out, and I'm not asking the staff to do it, either.

Here's the deal:

Blood will be dispensed by kitchen staff ONCE daily, during the dinner shift. By dispensed, I do mean rationed.

If you guys - that is, those of us who are still technically alive compared to vampires - want to supplement the supply, it's probably a good idea. However, DO NOT DO IT IN THE KITCHEN. Visit the infirmary.

If one of the more altruistic wardens wants to volunteer for the newly-invented kitchen blood shift, then everything stated above is moot. In fact, I'd be much obliged to have the extra supervisory hand. Your job description would be something along the lines of "Do not put Rube in charge of the fucking blood. Stay in the kitchen during mealtimes and hand out the blood."

Added a few hours later: [ Private to Sam ]

Look, this isn't about you, and I'm sorry I dragged you into it. This kitchen situation isn't your problem. You've got your own crap to deal with.
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