Self-Evaluation Forms

Nov 11, 2009 10:55

Here they are. Fill them out, return them to me, I'll file them ( Read more... )

rube likes paperwork, self-evaluation time!

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ichlugebullets November 11 2009, 18:15:14 UTC
Inmate Self-Evaluation Form

Name: Jason Alexander Dean
Warden’s Name: Rube Sofer

1. How long have you been here? A couple of months, give or take. I was around for the alien invasion anyway.
2. Do you believe you belong here? I haven't really "belonged" anywhere. So I can't give a definite answer on that. I mean, I guess so - if some higher being sucked me back from after life to put me here.
3. If you were a color, what color would you be, and why? Tough. Probably...gray. Just significantly in between.
4. How many wardens have you had? Two.
5. Describe your average day aboard the Barge. I wake up, smoke a cigarette and pick up my room. There's shit all over the floor at the start of every day. Then I have myself a wander and it usually goes one of two ways, the library or the gym. I come back and read, go to the my kitchen shift and then come back and play my sax until I fall asleep.
6. What job has your warden assigned to you? The dinner shift.
7. What was your initial reaction upon meeting your warden? Er... I don't know. The same as the other? I'm generally distrustful and wary of any authority.
8. What are your hobbies? I draw, play the sax and might do a little writing on the side.
9. In one word, how would you describe your warden? Competent.
10. What is the most important rule to follow, as an inmate? Your wardens? You know, I'm really not sure. I just mind my own damn business. Well - most of the time.
11. What is your ideal holiday destination? I like the hotels on that pier. The water kind of rocks you to sleep at night. They're like mini cottages. It was humble enough.
12. What is the worst moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge? The hallucinations. I didn't say anything but that shit really got to me.
13. What is the best moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge? Shooting pool on my birthday, even if I was sleep deprived.
14. Do you feel you have improved since arriving here? Maybe? Not really sure. I don't feel any different.
15. How many times have you died? Once.
16. If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why? A snake. I really like them. They have this sort of ethereal charm that most people are blind to.
17. Do you feel that you know your fellow inmates well? No.
18. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Pride.
19. If you could change one thing about your warden, what would it be? I don't know him well enough. Maybe the offhanded insults.
20. Do you want to graduate? Yes.
21. How do you feel? Right now? Sleepy.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. You discover one warden is a criminal and ought to be an inmate. Do you:
a. Ignore the situation.
b. Report the situation to the Admiral.
c. Plan a riot.

2. Of the choices, which would you prefer for your employment?
a. Lifeguard
b. Law enforcement
c. Computer Technician
d. Sanitation Worker

3. If you could have one of the following historical figures for a warden, which would you choose, based on their ability to do the job capably and fairly? Please research your answer.
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Socrates
c. Wyatt Earp
d. Che Guevera

Rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being “Poor” and 10 being “Excellent”.

1. Your warden’s behavior. - 10
2. Your warden’s effectiveness. - 6
3. Your behavior. - 5
4. Your warden’s hygiene and cleanliness. - 10
5. Your hygiene and cleanliness. - 10
6. The quality of the food. - 6
7. Your communication with the wardens in general. - 2
8. Your communication with your warden. - 4
9. Your warden’s ability to communicate. - 4
10. The likelihood that you will graduate within the next six months. - 4

Why are you here? To be held accountable for my actions, to pay my dues.


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