May 18, 2014 13:18
Its 7:46 in the mornin’, practically the crack of dawn and my second graders are already cuttin’ up. Actin’ a nut. Breakin’ my pencil sharpener and throwin stuff. Miss Teacher’s had enough, can’t they just sit down and shut the fuck up? I want to scream, inside I’m seething but I remember to close my eyes and focus on my breathing.
I remember that Tyrone and Pat are only eight so I approach them and calmly state what their job is and isn’t and talk them through just what they need to do. All this before the first bell, I can already tell that today will be one from Hell.
And I’m right. At 10:17 I’m intervening in a fight. I call parents and we all make the plight to the office where there’s little solace. I’m feeling nauseous. To be honest I’m like E.T. and ready to phone home.
But instead I take my class to lunch. At 10:55 it really can be called brunch. They eat tuna and noodles by the spoonful and think it’s cool to mix it with their milk. Yilk!
At 11:28 we’re taking a bathroom break. That’s when my sanity begins to shake. Voices start to grow as toilets overflow. Someone’s standing on the sink, another is spitting the water that they drink, and I’m on the brink of shutting down. I can’t help but frown, my heart is really wearing down.
Luckily I get a 35 minute break and drop them off in art. Unfortunately when I pick them back up things have really fallen apart. Painted eyebrows, confetti that shouldn’t be, and insults results in 20 minutes of fires for me to put out.
Back to the classroom, lights out.
No fun today, workbooks out.
They aren’t letting me be the teacher I want to be. Maybe it’s time to get out? I'm having my doubts...
lj idol last season