LJ Idol Week 13: Inside Baseball

Feb 11, 2011 22:57

I busted up the mafia last week. It is now obsolete. Or so I would like to think…

It started right under my nose, how I don’t even know. A covert operation with a foundation that happened to grow and grow. As far as I can see, it was all about the money paired with crummy comradery and counterfeit loyalty.

I was dealing with gangster wannabees parading and trading Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, Jolly Ranchers, and dollar bills while the smallest lil boys deployed as guards of all the toys. All this in the morning before the warning bell could wail; it must have been going on while I was sharpening pencils, distributing art utensils, writing library passes, and dealing with all that is second grade. What a charade.

Of course, this underground force suffered from snitches with no remorse. Because when you’re dealing with the second grade mafia, things eventually turn sour when a child misses his dollar. It is at that point that they huff, puff, push, shove, and then…tell the teacher.

I tried not to fuss and simply discussed the fact that they were all out of order. And much to their horror, I confiscated all their stuff because I’m that damn tough.

lj idol season 7, teaching

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