Jun 22, 2010 13:33
Sheep, can I count on you?
I'm tired. The sheep are fired.
Wanted: Livestock to count. Floating required.
Rising and shining before the roosters!
Sinking its teeth deeper than freezing...
God gets dandruff too; it's snowing.
"Pant-less Man" resides at the gym.
Running a mile. No sweat. Literally.
Time to triddle on the elliptical.
Cleaning up pancake crust gone amuck!
Epic Win: Pants on the Ground
Just where are your pants located?
Hallelujah! My pants are holy. Amen.
Foxy Sarah? "Say it ain't so..."
Frisky frolics fail to fructify. Frustrated.
He chooses online whores over me.
I am a big deal, dammit!
The Milk Carton said, "Missing: Passion"
Fed up and fool of disappointment.
Call the police! Cupid killed me.
My intuition is plagued by suspicion.
Screw it, I'm getting a vibrator!
six words