You can’t write a lab report with Oobleck. It just won’t work. The gloopingly glopping green goo gunks in chunks and crackles itself off the paper resulting in a lacking of grading. Not that this would be a bad thing, except even my administration wouldn’t accept my liberal thinking. Which means that the daily dollop of terrible yet inevitable occurs: grind, grate, grit, and elbow spit. Jarring, jarking, whistling, whassling. The worst part of my day has hit: pencil sharpening.
Yes, it’s been a classroom job. Letting Bob and Rob and Sheeka’LaShob share in the responsibility of pencil ridiculocity. But within the year my little darling itty bitties have broken four pencil machine thingies costing me dollars that accumulated into the eighties. Not to mention the sound. The sound resounded. Boom chicka boom boom all through the room. Fifteen minutes of Hell and it caused me to yell, “OH MY CHICKEN PIE” every time! I’d rather supply them with liquefied Jello.
My class can paint a mural on the wall, dance with sass, and rap about plurals. We can act out a tale about a very loud quail and paper mache an entire Carousel display. It won’t begin to bother me but ask for a pencil and you might just see crazy…bitch.
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