Room 206, Late Thursday Afternoon

Aug 28, 2008 15:54

It was time.

His flight left from the mainland in four hours, which left him, really, just enough time to get all his stuff to the causeway, meet the car that Ryan was sending for him, get to the airport, check in, and make his way to meet the Evans' private plane. Chad would be on it, to meet him; he was just coming back from a week back home to visit his parents before the semester started. Ryan was still in New York, already in rehearsals for a student show that would be going up mid-September.

Troy sat on his stripped bed, and looked at the boxes that held all of his things. He frowned, wondering how his life for the past year could just be packed up in boxes like that.

Half of him wanted to stay; half of him remembered the two failed relationships. That first half remembered the amazing show he'd done the previous summer; the second half remembered that he hadn't done anything with it since.

The first half kindly told the second half to fuck right off.

The door was open, and anyone wandering by would see Troy, clearly just about to get up and leave. Obviously.

... It was a private jet. It would wait for him.

[Goodbye post for Troy! He's off to the UES to live with Chad and Ryan, friends of his from his canon. This isn't it for Troy -- he is sticking around as an alumnus.

And yes, I am amused that I have notasuiciderisk coming from the UES just as Troy goes to live there. It wasn't planned that way, I swear.]

troy bolton, leaving fandom, room 206

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