Title: Who said cute can't be Evil? - oneshot
chunonew_rx Rating: PG-16 for semi smut?
Pairing/Focus: jongyu ... and ninjas
Warnings: semi smut? ... attempt to crack
wordcount: 1,460
Summary: An angry leader. A clueless boyfriend. Jung Juri. Lots of gossip and teasing. and the revenge.
A/N: I wanted to write something different from all the angst I
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Comments 26
who could think that dubu is scary? LOL
thank you for reading ^^
That was hilarious. Oh man. it should happen for often seriously. Oh Jinki. I think I'm about to die laughing XD
I tried my best ~~~
please don't die laughing LOL
thanks for reading ^^
can't imagine jinki being really mad...
.. sometimes I think he can be evil XDDD
but no ... he's too cute LOL
thanks for reading ^^
There's nothing adult about it..XDDD..Jonghyun is soo cute..he thought he was dealing w/ a kid..XD
“Well I got to go. Have a good time with yourself.” Jinki said giving the other an evil smile.
Jonghyun didn’t have time to assimilate what had just happen. “But - but, Jinki you can’t just simply leave me like this. Damn it, I’M FUKING HARD.”
“Baby, that’s your problem. Think better next time when you decide to flirt with other people. I can forgive you with Key sometimes but with Juri noona, no way! Not even chicken can help you this time.”
ROFL...XXXDDD..Poor Jonghyun...XXDD
Oh my..this is so hilarious..XD
Well, Onew somehow sounded a bit girly..well, maybe because he was mad and jealous..XD
pls do write more..ill be waiting for another awesome pieces from you^^
yeah jjong was cute ~~ lol and jinki just evil XDDDDD
thanks for reading ^^
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