Rose Tint My World-- Sirius-Lily PG-13ish Unbeta'd

Jul 16, 2008 08:29

Okay, I utterly fail at posting and responding to posts here. I am going to try and correct that situation. This is a crossover-ish piece that's mostly fluff, but there's a little angst too. I think Lily is OOC so, there. Let's call it AU/OOC I guess, because to have kept her more in character would have required much more text and angst that I just didn't feel like writing. :D

Unbeta'd and not thouroughly re-read, so any pointers, ideas, mistakes spotted and the like are welcome!


PG to PG-13

Rocky Horror Picture Show references and the like.

Rose Tint My World

I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey. It seemed a fairly ordinary night when Sirius Black and his best friend's wife, Lily Potter (two young ordinary healthy kids) left Goderic's Hollow that late October evening to view a rather unusual movie, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's true there was a Wizarding war on and rumors insistent, heavy, concerning Lily's own son being a target of the Dark Lord. It's true also that Lily's husband, James, had specifically asked his best friend to keep a close eye on his bride and prevent her from doing anything… impetuous. But they, being normal kids, in need of a night out, well they weren't going to let a war or a worrying husband spoil the events of their evening.

On a night out.

It was a night out there were going to remember for a very long time.

"Let's do the Time Warp again!" Sirius Black and Lily Potter sang while carried by the flow of the crowd out of a ramshackle Muggle theater and onto the sidewalk outside. Lily's usually smooth red hair frizzed and curled in wild tangles around her face. Her lips, normally a sensible neutral when she wore lipstick at all, glistened deep, sensual red. He breasts, still larger than usual from nursing, threatened to spill from the plunging neckline of her French maid's uniform. Fishnet stockings and four inch heels served to show off her shapely legs. When Lily presented herself as Magenta for Sirius' inspection earlier that evening, she got just the reaction she'd hoped for even if it couldn't be from her husband, "Shite Evans, I mean Potter, you are one sexy maid."

Sirius, for his part, was dressed in an exact replica of the faithful handyman's tattered suit. His face, while made up enough to hide his identity, couldn't truly conceal his appeal. He managed to look sexy even with ghostly pale skin, dark circles under his eyes, and touches to accent his already angular cheekbones. His thin chest was bared, the tattered pieces of a cravat conveniently falling to either side, revealing collarbones and ribs under pale white skin. A fake hump magicked onto his back left one shoulder higher than the other and Sirius rather enjoyed the round shouldered slouching after the years of being told by his mother to stand up straight and hold his shoulders back. The only part of the costume Sirius had refused to play into was Riff Raff's stringy, oily hair. "Too much like Snivellus," he'd sneered into the mirror when he tried it out. Instead, Sirius retained his own black flowing mane.

The crowd around them slowly disbursed and Sirius placed a protective hand in the small of Lily's back, steering her toward an alley where they could safely disparate back to Goderic's Hollow.

"Not yet," Lily flashed him an evil smile and spoke in a thick Transylvanian accent. "I vant to stay out longer."

Knowing this would be Lily's last night out before her family went into permanent hiding, Sirius nodded and responded in character with an eerie, thin voice that sounded oddly restrained, "Whatever you wish." He paused, allowing the slightest flicker of a smile to twitch in the corner of his mouth before continuing, "My dear sister."

"Thanks," Lily smiled, her emerald eyes twinkling. "It's just so nice to be out for a change. He doesn't underst--"

"Hey Magenta!" a drunken movie goer intruded in their personal space. Tuning to his companion he pointed back to Lily, "Look, it's Magenta. She'ssss soooo hott." Turning back to Lily he repeated himself, "You're really hott. Fancy giving me a kiss?" He puckered up his lips to show he was ready.

Still in character, Sirius turned to the drunk and spoke in a voice that was both benign and menacing, "Magenta is with me."

The murderous flare of his grey eyes that followed the simple words was wasted on the drunk who added kissy sound effects to go along with his puckered lips and continued to beg.

Sirius started to reach for his wand, but Lily shook her head.

"He's not worth it, dear brother," Lily continued in character and held her hands up.

Sirius placed his palms against Lily's and they rocked down to their elbows and back up again. Lily felt an unexpected jolt in her stomach when Sirius' warm, soft palms touched hers, but kept her composure.

"Ooohhh," the drunk jeered. "Well if you won't kiss me, then let's see you kiss HIM." He staggered, pointing a shaky finger toward Sirius.

Lily wasn't certain if it was the effect if the firewhiskey she and Sirius had shared during the movie or the lingering sexual arousal from the movie itself, but as soon as the drunkard put out the challenge she was overwhelmed with a desire to kiss Sirius. What could it hurt? Here they were, amongst strangers, completely disguised, no one would ever know.

A mischievous gleam shot through her emerald eyes as she turned to Sirius, wrapped her arms around his lean neck and pulled his lips to hers.

give yourself over to absolute pleasure…

His lips were warm and after an initial hesitation they responded to Lily's.

swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh…

Lily's head swam with a mixture of emotions, images, and sensations. She was vaguely aware of her own tongue probing tentatively into Sirius' mouth, yet somehow it wasn't hers. It was Magenta's. It was okay when his tongue answered, causing that jolt she had felt in her stomach earlier to re-surface and descend into the region of her groin.

"Alright already!" the drunk protested. His words brought Lily back to herself and she quickly withdrew from Sirius, trying not to look as uncomfortable as she suddenly felt. "Why don't you pervs get a friggin' room already?" He called as his friends helped him stumble away.

"He's not really my brother!" Lily called after, not sure why she felt the need to justify her actions to a random drunk Muggle. He's just my husband's best mate.

"Come, Magenta," Sirius stayed in character, careful not to say her real name aloud. He took her hand and began to walk casually down the darkened street. If Sirius felt the least bit uncomfortable about the kiss, he certainly didn't show it. He gave Lily that twitch of a smile, "walk this way." He instructed, carrying on with an unusual limp.

Lily's discomfort dissipated, she gave Sirius a nod and walked. They ambled down the street, still holding hands, as they passed the darkened windows of various Muggle shops. Somewhere along the way Lily realized Sirius' thumb was slowly caressing along the back of her hand, sending tingles of excitement up her arm. She thought it odd that she felt no desire to stop him. On the contrary, she found herself wondering what it would feel like for him to caress her arm, shoulder, collar bone, cheek.

You're spaced out on sensation. Like you're under sedation.

"You know," Lily chuckled ruefully, looking up at the stars. "I almost wish we could just all happen upon some mysterious castle, transport ourselves to some other world, and be free from all this insanity." She fought to control a sob that threatened to well up in her throat.

Sirius pulled Lily to face him and placed a long finger to her lips, "Don't think about all that tonight." His deep grey eyes bored into hers for what might have been seconds or minutes or hours, to Lily time had no meaning.

When she found herself able to tear her eyes from his, Lily found herself contemplating Sirius' lips again. Her own mouth opened in a subconscious invitation that did not go unnoticed or unaccepted. Slowly Sirius lowered his mouth to hers for a long, lingering kiss that they broke only when a car backfired somewhere in the distance. Startled, both had wands drawn in an instant before they deduced what had happened.

"So much for forgetting life tonight," Sirius commented in a wry voice as they ducked into an alleyway and apparated back to Goderick's Hollow.

Lily remained silent as they continued to walk on the now familiar path toward the home that was soon to be her prison. As she stepped forward, ever closer to ending what might be her last night of freedom, she could feel the blood pulsing through her, hear it in her ears. Don't dream it. Be it. Don't dream it. Be it. Over and over the words pulsed through her body, stronger and more steady with each step until the couple stopped in front of Lily's front door.

Without a word Sirius let go of Lily's hand, turned and began to slowly descend the steps.

She silently opened the door and stepped inside before poking her head back out and calling softly to Sirius, "Rose tint my world a little longer?"

The slightest hint of a smile twitched in one corner of Sirius' mouth as he turned, walked into the house, and locked the door behind him.

immy, sirius

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