its like my weekly update..

Feb 28, 2006 02:02

So I was all ready to go to bed, when I decided not to. Just because I'm pretty sure I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet.

Now I'm watching Charlie's Angels and 'thinking' about the midterm I have due thursday. Which I really haven't started yet. I've read what I have to do, and I've been sort of thinking about it, I just haven't started writing it yet. I really don't think it will be too hard though.

Life is going pretty good. I'm happy more often than I'm not... and thats a major improvement from last semester. Its something I'm very pleased with. It makes me think that maybe I've started to get things sorted out and going in the right direction. It is such a relief to feel like that right now.

The whole gainesville boy thing, or really lack thereof, hasn't been getting me down so much either. I am a little sad though that I haven't even met a guy that has made me feel any different yet. Only because I haven't liked a guy in so long. I guess it could be considered a good thing though.

In fact, the only guys I like right now are ones I can't have. You know, because they're in a completely different state... and not a close state either. It kinda bums me out. Especially when I really like a guy that is so far away and that I just can't seem to get out of my system. He's just so darn nice to me... and I really like that. He makes me feel special :D

But then... he probably makes a lot of girls feel special. They're all in love with him. And that bums me out even more. Because I don't want to be just another one of those girls.

And Ashley and I had a really good Saturday night. She is such a bad influence on me! Not really... but still.

Beards... can be hot. But the guy has to be able to pull it off. And so far, I only know one guy that can do that effectively. Yea, its hot. He's hot without a beard too though. And he gets more attractive every time we see him.

Oh.. guys I can't have shouldn't be hot.

Spring Break is in two weeks... and its going to be uneventful. Although I'm really hoping I can score some prime beach and tanning ime. Because I'm looking forward to getting myself a nice tan over break. Its a must.

I think that's all for now.
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