"nothing is tastier than a tender lamb"-nietzsche

May 11, 2007 07:26

it is 4:11 am. mandy and i found a pet 2x4. we have named it wood.

mandy is the best moment killer. these two semi clothed people came down to have sex in the bathroom down here so mandy started reading nietzsche out loud. they were in there for about 60 seconds. then they left.

and then a few minutes later she exclaimed "i hope someone else comes down here to have sex!(as she flips through marx to find the perfect excerpt on communism).

it's 5:01am now. i think the energy drink may have work cause i haven't passed out yet. i feel slightly crazy, but i think that's a side effect of trying to write papers for the last 15 hours straight.

i like the font 1942 report.

it is currently 6:18am. my keyboard keys are sticking. the guy at cns said i need a new keyboard cause i probably spilled something. i said, no this just started and he didn't believe me. oh well i don't have to pay for it. i'm starting to get sleepy. there's no internet so i can't log onto aim to update my page count in my away message. i have 4.5 of 13ish in times new roman, but i hate times new roman, so therefore it's 5 of 13ish in book antiqua. it's due sometime today. i still want to work on linguistics cause i actually care about that one. linguistics is due at 12pm. i think i'll switch back to it at 9:30. i need to at least mention labov. somehow i missed that. which is sad, cause i like him.

6:38am. i've decided it's a little scary that i've gotten to a point in my education where i have a 15 page paper to write and i'm not worried about having enough to talk about. it's either that or i'm just getting delirious.

mandy, nietzche, disasters, things kicking my butt, randomness, wood, homework

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