life without capitalization.

Apr 25, 2007 00:48

so i'm not entirely a disaster.

and i'm not homeless either. i'm living in riker 121. it's a doubles quad. i went into housing tonight with no plans, so this was definitely a step up. somehow with #283 as my pick, i had the highest number. weird. i'm rooming with a girl down the hall from me now, amber. i like her, and the other two girls seem really nice as well. one of them went to school with this girl that used to be my best friend growing up. six degrees of separation is really true.

i have to teach again in the morning. i promise i'll wake up this time. i had a cute outfit i couldn't wear last week cause i was a mess, so tomorrow is totally good outfit time.

i organized things in a binder. it's pretty nifty. it's pink. there are plastic page savers. (secretly it's also my cit binder masquerading as a teacher binder, but shhh).

i'm in a pretty good mood. i'm less anxious about life cause housing worked out.

i had tea tonight for the first night in a long time. it was amazing.

and i was gonna say something else and i forgot.

drama down the hall happened outside. it apparently involved mouthbreather and the rd. sketchtastic.

i leave for camp on the 1st. early this year. kris needed help. no summer classes though, so i'll have some life.

the end. sleepytime.

not the end though. i remembered what i was going to say before. aside from the fact that this is the most disjointed entry ever.

i met with martha butler, my linguistics professor to chat about my paper topic for 10, and i didn't even get to list off the very few possibilities i had thought of, and she made me really confident about it. and i didn't have psych cause they went on a fieldtrip, which i missed cause of chaucer. but i got to chat with martha. and i accidentally stayed and chatted for 2 hours. she's quite fascinating though. i heart her. but yeah, so the chaucer homework i'd intended to do this morning managed to fit into about an hour instead of 2. go me.

and we broke out the grilled cheese maker.

it was a good day.


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