Taste My Forbidden Fruit: A Swan Queen Ship Manifesto

Oct 08, 2013 21:24

When it came time for me to do my 'ship manifesto, it was easy to pick a ship - mainly because there's really only one 'ship that I care about on this show and Swan Queen is it. But when it came time to actually sit down and write up the manifesto for them, well, then it became a bit more difficult. Not because I couldn't write about them - believe me, I could (and have, if you count fanfics) write volumes about these two. The problem, in fact, is that there is SO MUCH to cover about them.

I mean, there's the surface 'Henry Has Two Mommies' set up which right away SCREAMS of a gay parent trap situation. Henry runs away to find his long lost mother and bring her home? It's like the opening of a rom-com, I swear to you. Plus, if Emma and Regina act like anything, it's divorced lesbian mommies and not mortal enemies.

But there is that whole 'mortal enemies' layer. I mean, look at the history. The Savior and The Evil Queen? The Dark and The Light? Yin and Yang? Good and Evil? It's just screaming for a relationship. Emma's the Savior. Who needs saving more than The Queen? Plus, it's said that Emma's going to bring back the happy endings and again, who needs a happy ending more than Regina?

Then we can delve into how Emma gives Regina what she's wanted for 28 years - a challenge. She was bored with no one fighting back and then bam! Emma Swan.

There's also the fact that Emma and Regina understand each other better than anyone else. Emma sees Regina, just Regina. She believes in her. And Regina, although grudgingly, respects Emma. She trusts her, even though she doesn't want to.

I could go on and on and on. But what's all of this without some pretty pictures to look at. So... let's look at them, shall we.

Emma and Regina's first meeting. It's a total meet cute, right out of a rom-com. 'Henry Has Two Mommies', remember? Plus, Regina, what are you looking at? 'Cause to me, it looks like you're checking out Emma. And not in a 'sizing up my enemy' kind of way. What else could you do that would be totally heterosexual? Invite her in to have some cider? Yep. Sounds like exactly the kind of thing I'd do if I wanted to get this woman out of my life.

Then we have their next meeting. Although it's rather cut off, please notice Emma's bottoms - or lack thereof. Yep. She's opening the door in her red - like Regina's apples. Coincidence? I think not. - undies. Now, if you'll remember, when she first opens the door, she merely peeks out. But Regina offers her an apple - tossing an apple to a woman in Greek culture was considered a marriage proposal, did ya know that, Regina? - and boom! Opening the door in just her undies. Totally normal thing to do.

Ah. And then we have one of the biggest things in Swan Queen fandom - the sharing of clothes. Because it's not enough to share a kid, they need to share clothes too. And Regina might say "that's all you're gonna get", but we know better. This isn't the only clothing that they share, but it's the most noticeable.

And now we reach the Swan Queen mecca. The mine scene. Working together to save their kid is enough for me, but oh no. Regina and Emma take it a step further. Or closer, if you will. Henry's in mortal danger and what does Regina do? Get all up in Emma's personal space. And Emma likes it, as far as that smile says. Even Graham looked like he thought they were gonna kiss.

Operation Swan Queen, phase one, complete! And all Henry had to do was almost get killed. Look at this happy family. Seriously. How can this not be endgame?

And then there's Desperate Souls. If the mine scene was the catalyst for all our shipping, the Swan Queen Sex Fire was the moment that the ship exploded - literally. Not only do we have Emma pulling her White Knight routine and coming back for Regina, we have Regina depending on Emma, literally begging her not to leave. For Regina, who trusts no one, that's a huge thing. To be vulnerable and to trust her 'enemy'... it's huge. And that's why these two are made for each other. Because Emma will keep coming back for her. They won't abandon each other.

LOOK AT THAT SMILE! She might be 'threatening' Emma about her association with Gold, but she looks pretty pleased to have Emma as her new sheriff. Plus, if you watch the show, Storybrooke Regina only smiles - really smiles - at Henry and Emma. BECAUSE SHE LOVES EMMA.

More smoldering looks. Even Henry's catching on.

And once again, we have a lack of personal space. These two just can't seem to stay away from each other.

Regina sure looks like she's enjoying the view, huh? Nothing gets her blood pumping more than arguing with Emma. And that's delicious to me.

It's totally normal to be sitting that way on your 'enemy's' desk. TOTALLY NORMAL AND HETEROSEXUAL. I mean... really. And Emma's reaction... well, it's straight too. ("I need to see you in the hall" is totally code for "let's go have a quickie".)

Oh look, Regina's having a dream where Emma comes for her. And then squeezes her apple, right in front of her. And Regina makes that face. I'm sure Freud would have plenty to say about this dream.

"How to get the savior to taste my forbidden fruit". That, ladies and gents, is an actual line from the show. A line that can in no way be misconstrued as sexual. Oh.. wait.

Mmm. Emma loves some forbidden fruit. Also "this thing between us has to end". So you weren't talking about being in a sexual relationship? Because to me... that's what it screams.

This scene is great for Swan Queen, not only because we like when they get physical, but because we see Regina once again being vulnerable and having to turn to Emma for help with Emma. She has to admit that she can't use magic and that she needs Emma. And what does Emma do? Goes and fights a dragon.

More intense eyesex before the dragon slaying. Because that's what you do when your son is under a sleeping curse, at least when you're these two.

What's that? Emma's image reflected on Regina, close to her heart? That's not a sign of anything.

And after the curse breaks and the mob comes for Regina, who RUNS to her rescue? Emma. And even though she says it's for Henry, we know that she cares about Regina too. Emma continues to come to Regina's rescue, even against a wraith. "She's not dying," Emma swears.

OH MAN. OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN. Let's talk about this. Because Emma touched Regina and they MADE MAGIC. Magic. What's magic again, Regina? Oh. That's right. TRUE LOVE. TRUE LOVE IS MAGIC. And if that wasn't enough, the magic then opens a portal which can transcend realms. TRANSCENDING REALMS, Y'ALL. TRUE LOVE. It's what the whole series has been based on, what they keep saying all the time. So don't tell me these two aren't destined to be together, when they make magic together.

And then, to save Regina from the wraith, Emma pushes her out of the way and allows herself to be pulled through the portal. All to save Regina.

In the Enchanted Forest, Emma meets up with Cora. And says that her relationship with Regina is "complicated". So basically, in Facebook speak, they're in a relationship. And then, Emma proves that Cora's 'love is weakness' mantra is wrong. And what's that? She can't take Emma's heart? So Regina will never have to worry about Cora killing her next love? A+

Emma looks pretty darn pleased to see Regina after coming through the well. Henry looks pretty pleased to have his family back together. So again, HOW CAN THIS NOT BE ENDGAME?

And Regina welcomes her back with another genuine smile. After - oh yeah - ABSORBING A DEATH CURSE FOR HER. No biggie. Totally something normal to do.

EMMA INVITED HER TO DINNER. Everyone else is freaking out and Emma's just smiling and excited that Regina's there. And when she gets snippy, what does Regina do? SHE APOLOGIZES TO HER FOR SNAPPING. You know the only other people Regina has apologized to? Henry Sr, Daniel, and Henry. In fact, it is a direct parallel to the scene in the stable where Regina apologizes to Daniel for snapping at him in front of her mother. So, Emma's in some pretty good company there. Also just look at these two idiots, smiling at each other in a scene right out of a rom-com. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THE LOVE?

Emma is the only one who believes and sticks up for Regina during Archie's 'murder'. And it isn't until Emma stops believing in her that Regina snaps. It's the loss of Emma's belief that truly breaks her. Plus, again, we have the image of Emma reflected onto Regina. Two sides of the same coin.

We're good, guys. We'll just hug it out over here. No probs.

And then, once again, at the end of Season 2, we have Emma and Regina working together to create magic *coughcough*true love*coughcough* to save the whole town. Seriously, they were strong enough together. THEY HAD TO WORK TOGETHER. THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER. AND THAT'S WHY EVERYONE SHOULD SHIP THEM.


Except it's not. Because now they're off to Neverland to find Henry and maybe just maybe, find each other too!

medium: manifesto, pairing: swan queen (regina/emma)

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