Title: Painful Childhood
Prompt: Truth or Dare
Summary: She hated sleepovers as a kid.
http://ragnarok-fic.livejournal.com/293584.html#cutid1 Title: Without Purpose
Prompt: Graham - purpose
Summary: After he kissed Emma, he was lost for a little while.
http://ragnarok-fic.livejournal.com/293584.html#cutid2 Title: Bonding
Prompt: Snow/Emma - Catching up
Summary: She had expected to get to know her daughter in a different situation.
http://ragnarok-fic.livejournal.com/293584.html#cutid3 Title: Once Upon A Time
Prompt: Collab: Henry Mills (written with
Summary: Henry wants to give his teacher a poem, but she gives him something so much more important instead.
http://ragnarok-fic.livejournal.com/293371.html Title: To Set Right What Had Been Made Horribly Wrong (4 & 5/?)
Prompts: Deal & Wildcard
Summary: For twenty-eight years the Doctor has wondered what happened to the parallel dimension, the Enchanted Forest where all the fairy tales lived; now he’ll do whatever it takes to fix what the Evil Queen did to the residents there.
Authors Notes: This is a Doctor Who/OUAT crossover WIP. Previous parts can be found on AO3
here (along with the newest chapters).
Link: Part 4 -
http://ragnarok-fic.livejournal.com/292808.html | Part 5 -