Jun 29, 2006 17:20
So a lot has happened recently.
I graduated High School, first off. Thats big for a lot of people, but for me it wasnt really that big a deal. In my mind, and the way I'd been living my life, I'd been out of high school for a year or more. So standing there, throwing my hat in the air and hoping despretly that it wont rain on me was the only true moment where i felt like a kid for just a little bit.
However, its a pretty say moment too. I realized that I've just lost a bunch of friends. I know that after that time in the fountian splashing around and celebrating, its over. I'm never going to see any of those people again, and thats just a reality. Its been great, getting to know my friends, but I guess time just draws people apart. There will be a few of you I will see in the summer, maybe. But after a semester of college, will I be more to these people than a memory, or someone to tell a story about? I dont know. But what I do know: I'm gonna miss this.
So what do you guys say we meet back here in ten years at 9:00, just to make sure we get here by 9:30, ok?