Sep 03, 2006 14:36
Greetings, Everyone!
The Popfic Fairy Tale Remix Challenge is rapidly drawing to a close!
In fact, the Challenge is set to go live in just two weeks! The actual due date for fic/link submissions is actually the day before, Saturday the 16th, so that everything can be formatted and uploaded.
Remember, if your story is finished, you are free to post it here or anywhere else you choose whenever you like! It's your story to do with as you like. As far as the Challenge is concerned, I just need a link to your story if you're not posting it here in the community. Comments to this post are screened, so feel free to ask any further questions, provide the link here if you don't want your story revealed ahead of time, etc etc.
Also, please remember that I will be uploading all stories to a separate site and formatting them to the same look (matching the community) unless the author informs me they don't want their story hosted elsewhere!
Although the 16th is the due date, PLEASE don't hesitate to offer your submissions ahead of time! The more time I have to format everything, the sooner the stories will be available all in the same place. *g*
And sign-ups were officially closed on the first, but there are still less than a dozen participants, so anyone who expressed an interest but never signed up, feel free if you think you can write a remixed fairy tale in two weeks!
Looking forward to seeing all the stories, Have Fun!