Title: Days Spent in a Lie
josiefierDisclaimer: Once Upon a Time is not owned by me but by ABC. I'm just borrowing these characters for non-profit entertainment.
Characters: Red Riding Hood/Rumpelstiltskin, James, Snow White, Ella
Summary: Through all of the things her friends would call him, there was part of Red Riding Hood that enjoyed knowing what they never cared to about Rumpelstiltskin.
Notes: This was written for
onceuponaprompt, table: c, prompt 02. heartbeat.
"He's a scourge," James would say, and often in anger.
"He's evil," was all Ella could bring herself say, a twinge of sadness in her voice when she heard his name spoken.
"The worst evil in the forest," her grandmother concurred. "Even worse than any wolf, and I should know."
Hypocrites, Red decided. They all called him vile names, claiming he was no more than a heartless beast. But she knew better. And when even they wanted something, he was the one they turned to. When they wanted freedom or riches, even answers or revenge, they would call his name, wish for him or even go straight to his cottage and make their plea. They had each made their deals of their own free will, each knowing there would be a high price to be paid.
To her mind it was only after they had gotten whatever it was they had asked for and he came to collect did they attempt to go back on their deals. It was also often in those same moments that they would begin to pass whatever judgment they could on him that made them feel less guilty for whatever they had agreed to give him in exchange. Had they truly expected their freedom or riches for nothing?
"He tricked me," she remembered Ella saying.
"He's a liar, he cannot be trusted," James had growled. But then Snow White had corrected her prince, reminding him how if not for what she had obtained from him they quite likely would have died together on the troll bridge the day they met. That much had made Red Riding Hood smile, even if only to herself. At least one other person had the courage to admit he wasn't all bad.
Like the others, Red had made her own deal with Rumpelstiltskin some time ago. But she hadn't fought when in exchange for protection for herself and her grandmother in the forest he had asked for her companionship. Or to take her for his own.
Her days were still spent with her grandmother or with her friends in the forest so as not to arouse suspicion. Red had feared moreso than he had about what may happen should their secret be revealed. After all there were several ways he could go about changing their minds, even make them forget what they knew should they discover. But Red had worried what else those spells and potions might erase from her friends' minds so she agreed that when night would fall she would return to his side.
Since their deal had first been in place, it had become something she had quickly come to look forward to. Red hadn't known how lonely the nights could be herself until after she had begun to spend hers in Rumpelstiltskin's bed. Since then the idea of her own bed had seemed colder and downright empty.
However through all of her friends' insults there was also part of Red that enjoyed knowing what none of the others ever cared to. That he too had a heart, that he too had been lonely and while he had originally had to make a deal for her to be with him, he had not tricked her into it. Red wondered sometimes if that wasn't why she hadn't regretted any of this since that day.
It had been months now and still none had discovered them. Not too surprising, his cottage was hardly easily found. Only someone who possessed just the right magic could find it, much less be allowed inside.
That became just another of the many reasons she was happy to call it her new home. So private, so secluded, no chance of being unexpectedly interrupted or discovered. It was where she could truly feel free. The notion of even possibly losing that, or him, was quickly becoming too much to bear.
"Are you cold, Pet?" he asked as she nuzzled closer to him that night, her arm curled around his waist and holding him just a little tighter than usual.
"No. I just felt too far away," she answered sleepily as she rested her body against his, her head just above his heart.
As she finally began to drift off, feeling his own arm curling around her, the beat of his heart lulling her to sleep, she knew her friends would never understand. They had their castles and their princes, not even acknowledging that they had her lover to thank for most of what they now held dear. But in that moment she didn't care. They could think whatever it was they wanted to about him, whatever all it was that helped them sleep better at night. She had this, her own current reality better than anything she could possibly dream.
The End