Let's Go

Nov 22, 2005 00:15

It's been quite some time. I wish I could say because it's because I've been super busy, but sadly I have only gained about 1 and 1/4 friends sense the last time I've checked in. Been hanging out with my friend Shelby alot. Within the past week I have...
-been to my first club (a gay one..yes)
-had 4 shots of patron tequila
-been drunk

I guess we can rewind to the gay club. Went to The Biz con Shelby. Very positive first clubbing experience. Saw tons of kids from work. Danced with a couple ladies...Most of which were rather unattractive (;) LeeAnn i know you are reading and i love you.) Apparently I have baby hair and nice hands. Who knew?

Friday night after work Shelby picked me up for Marrion's birthday. That was super fun but lots of dyke drama. I'll start with the good. Brought some Ice Cream for birthday girl which got past around to everyone...except me cuz I'm on the ice cream free diet. :( I walked in the door and I was molested by a handful of lesbians. Apparently word had gotten around about my hair. Then the drama flood gates opened. Senna, Marrion's Ex, was there and was creating super drama. She had one of those personalities that are just super dominating and just...ruins the whole vibe of the room. Her and Marrion kept making out in the midst of the entire group. The other odd part was that Senna would hand out the shots and drink one for herself every round. But she never seemed to be smashed like we were. And she had had like 2 more shots than me and two beers. Who knows. All i know was i was wasted by 4 shots. Had an interesting conversation with the girl who was a sex phone operator about music. and some where between the time I was dogpiled by the making out lesbian and i left, I sang a super good version of Missy Elliot's Gossip Folks. Gotta represent ya'll. all in all it was good. Got some feed back via Shelby that all the ladies liked me and thought I was cool for 18. oh yeah did I mention they are all over 21? Heh. Good times.

Thanksgiving Ya'll! Who's excited cuz its just around the corner.

Oh right and school. Umm yea...its going. Got a 92 on a math test so that was pretty pimp.
Watched hours upon hours of Sex and the City this evening con roommate. I don't mind her. We have good conversations every once in awhile.

I'm reeling for the simple times of summer.
Maybe we'll go to the moon.
Frou Frou is love
I'm out.
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