Jan 23, 2006 20:30
So ok I aparently am not best friends material because I'm not caring enough and selfish and I make excuses too much...but should I change myself?
So anyway this past week has been so stressful because the second quater is ending and I don't think that I'm doing to hot in certain subjects. So on friday I totally broke down crying after 9th period because everything had been building up and the thing that sent me over was my teacher telling me that its too late to do extra credit. I cried more than I have in a while on the bus home but managed to stop before I got home. I like that no one tried to comfort me or make me feel better and they just left me alone. That made me feel better. Then this weekend I had a lot of homework to do and I got into a little fight with my best friend. So its been a little rough but not as rough as its been for other people. I don't know if I want to be in AP art I just applied because now I still have the chioce but my portfoilio isn't too good and I could have done better. Then today I found out that my teacher just doesn't like me and gave the girl that sat next to me extra credit to do tonight. Then I took the chance to have my last time for review with my teacher today after school.And Val was supposed to come over tonight because her mom couldn't bring her tomorrow for our study thing but she couldn't sleepover so me and my mom will get her tomorrow morning. I want to go to the mall and stuff so I hope my mom can take me later.