Fan Mix/Soundtrack: 1 fanmix (10 songs, front & back covers)
Friends Only Banners: 6
Gifs: 4
Headers: 4
Icons: 10
Manip: 1 (500x500 pixels in size minimum)
Meta: 1000 words
Moodtheme: 10 moods
Painting: 1 (digital or hand drawn)
Picspams: 10 coloured screencaps
Podfic: 500 word fic
Poems: 10 lines
Sigs: 6
Stickers (GetGlue): 4
Tumblr Graphics: 4
Videos: 1 minute
Wallpapers: 4
How Do I Get Bingo?
Below are the different types of bingo you may choose to do. Highlighted portions indicate what it looks like in the examples.
400 points This is a bingo consisting of the 16 prompts bordering your bingo card.
125 points This is a bingo consisting of a line (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) of 5 prompts. You can use any line.
425 points This is a bingo consisting of an ‘S’ shape of 17 prompts.
225 points This is a bingo consisting of an ‘X’ shape of 9 prompts.
625 points This is a bingo in which you do all 25 prompts on your card.
150 points This is a bingo consisting of a line (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) combining 5 prompts into one fanwork (for graphics this may mean a series of works that connect appropriately). You can use any line. The minimum requirements for combo line bingo are listed below.
Fan Mix/Soundtrack: 1 fanmix (20 songs, front & back covers)
Friends Only Banners: 12
Gifs: 8
Headers: 8
Icons: 20
Manip: 1 (1000x1000 pixels in size minimum)
Meta: 2000 words
Moodtheme: 20 moods
Painting: 1 (digital or hand drawn)
Picspams: 20 coloured screencaps
Podfic: 1000 word fic
Poems: 20 lines
Sigs: 12
Stickers (GetGlue): 8
Tumblr Graphics: 8
Videos: 2 minutes
Wallpapers: 8
750 points In order to get a combo bingo, you must create some form of fanwork that incorporates all 25 prompts on your card. Combo bingo is 5x the regular minimum requirement (new requirements below).
Fan Mix/Soundtrack: 5 fanmixes (10 songs, front & back covers)
Friends Only Banners: 30
Drawing: 1 (digital or hand drawn, with effort)
Gifs: 20
Headers: 20
Icons: 50
Moodtheme: 50 moods
Painting: 1 (digital or hand drawn, with effort)
Picspams: 50 coloured screencaps
Poems: 50 lines
Sigs: 30
Stickers: 25
Tumblr Graphics: 20
Videos: 5 minutes
Wallpapers: 15
Winners and Prizes
During the Round Bingo: banner Blackout: banner Combo: banner
After the Round 1st place (totaled points): to be defined 2nd place (totaled points): to be defined 3rd place (totaled points): to be defined 4th place (totaled points): to be defined 5th place (totaled points): to be defined