Spoilers for 1.12 "Skin Deep" & 1.13 "What Happened to Frederick"

Nov 18, 2011 02:00

Things aren't what they seem to be. Who does David choose? His soul mate? Or the woman who claims to be his wife? I think we're in for some major angst ladies and gentlemen!

Beneath the cut.

1.12 "Skin Deep"

David is shopping for Valentine’s cards at the Storybrooke pharmacy, and he picks out two cards. As he waits in line, someone asks him, “Two valentines?”

Later, at night. David is at the bar with a few empty glasses in front of him, watching Mary Margaret, Ruby, and Ashley talking with some “cute guys” at the bar.


1.13 "What Happened to Frederick"

A character named Abigail is advising Prince Charming about the River Guardian, about how every man who faces it leaves an offering first in exchange for mercy. In front of them is a pile of items left behind by those who’d come before him and failed to defeat the creature. Charming insists that he will go the rest of the way alone, though Abigail tries to convince Charming to let her go with him since this is for her. Charming says no. Charming comes upon the River but sees no sign of the evil creature Abigail had warned him about. He goes to fill his empty water skin, causing the water to ripple. The ripple spreads and a moan-like sound gets louder as the ripple spreads wider, ultimately fading as the ripple fades. Charming starts causing more ripples, thus making the moaning sound get louder, as he searches for the source of the noise. The water starts to churn, and out comes…

Read more: Source.

I am not posting the full spoiler as the Source would not like for it to be reposted. So go there to read more!

episode: 1x13, episode: 1x12, season: 1, !spoiler discussion

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