So Glad to See You Well

Apr 02, 2012 15:06

Take two.... I'm not sure if this will work, as the first time the cut was broken, only the code looked alright to me when I typed it, and since it went into the queue I had no chance to try to fix it when it came up wrong. The code still looks alright to me as I type it now, so it might show up broken again. Gah. Stupid cyberspace.

Hi, everyone! I've been an avid watcher of Once since it started, but I didn't really have any concrete fanfiction ideas I thought I could work with until last Sunday's episode Hat Trick. I was ... well, let's just say discombobulated by what happened to Jefferson. I had been concerned that something might happen involving the Queen of Heart's favorite method of dealing with those who offend her, but I had never thought the Hatter would be the victim. I started thinking of how to write something else that could have happened to him without getting rid of canon things such as the scar on his neck. And this story is what came out of it. I know most people don't think anything of it, but I have a phobia of decapitation, so even though this idea of mine is disturbing too, it sits better with me as an explanation of how Jefferson was tortured in Wonderland.

I hope I describe and explain things well enough. I wanted to make it somewhat vague yet tell enough to show both what was really happening and what Jefferson thought was happening.

Title: So Glad to See You Well
Author: insaneladybug/Lucky_Ladybug
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jefferson/The Mad Hatter
Rating: T/PG-13
Spoilers: 1x17 - Hat Trick
Warnings: Violence, real and imagined horrors, an insane tormentor
Disclaimers: The characters and setting from the show are not mine. The antagonist and the story's plot are mine.
Summary: The Mad Hatter has always known that he was captured and tortured by the Queen of Hearts. But is what he knows actually the truth? Or could it all be a product of his madness, madness induced by something and someone else?

Story is here.

Comments are much loved. If at all possible, I would really appreciate them on, please. That's my main story archive.

character: the mad hatter/jefferson, rating: pg13, universe: enchanted

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