Fic Update: Far Beneath the Bitter Snow - Ch. 5

Mar 28, 2012 00:43

Title: Far Beneath the Bitter Snow
Author: Em aka Old Romantic
Rating/Warnings: PG/T / no warnings (the first few chapters are G/K rated, but I'm keeping the higher rating, just for future possibilities)
Genre/’Ship: Angst, Romance / RumBelle
Spoilers/Timeline: Near the end of 1x12 - Skin Deep, then AU.

Summary: What if Belle had refused to leave Rumpel’s castle, knowing she’d be rejected at home?

At FFN: Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5

At my fic!journal, emstories: Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5

rating: pg, pairing: rumpelstiltskin/belle, universe: enchanted, character: rumpelstiltskin/mr. gold, character: the evil queen/regina mills, character: belle french

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