Fic: This Magic Moment (1/1)

Jun 07, 2015 19:57

Title: This Magic Moment
Summary: And just when Killian thought kisses with Emma Swan couldn’t be any more magical, she proved him wrong.
Spoilers: Up through 4x11, “Heroes and Villains”
Characters: Emma Swan and Killian Jones.
Rating/Warning: PG. Here be Captain Swan fluff, my lovelies.
Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time and its characters were created by Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. I just need something fluffy to keep me from going nuts over hiatus.
Author’s Note: This is what happens when I get on an oldies kick. Title, inspiration, and lyrics in the header are all taken from “This Magic Moment,” which was covered by a few different bands in the 1960s, though my favorite version is by Jay and the Americans. Feedback makes my day so much brighter! Enjoy.


This magic moment,
So different and so new,
Was like any other,
Until I kissed you.


Killian Jones had noticed something special about his kisses with Emma Swan. Every time their lips met, something miraculous happened.

Something magical happened.

Their first kiss in the Neverland jungle was of course magical in its own way. The thick humidity of the jungle air, the sticky scent of the damp leaves, the danger that constantly surrounded them … it had all faded away the second her lips touched his. He could only feel her, sense her.

The kiss had awakened within Killian feelings and desires he’d long believed lost to time, pain, anger, and vengeance. But perhaps most miraculous occurrence of all was the brilliant flashes of color he’d seen behind his closed eyelids during the kiss, sparks that had brightened his world and had shown him the promise of life beyond the bleakness of his past.

( He still didn’t know if Swan had seen the sparks as well but something within her changed after that kiss. )
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