Polished Stones [complete]

Nov 14, 2014 10:00

Author: killersharky
Rating: T
Pairing: Killian Jones/Emma Swan
Summary: When a boy claiming to be his son knocks on his door, Killian Jones is forced to face a woman who broke his heart and a past he can't remember. But can he really be a man who can love again and help save a town in the process? Captain Swan AU with Cursed!Killian.
Chapter word count: 2,470
Story word count: 27,416
Notes: COMPLETED! Thanks for all the support! You guys are the best! And I already have something in the works that I will hopefully start posting in the new few weeks, so I promise I won't leave you guys hanging for too long. Thanks again, everyone!
Disclaimer: Don't know them. Don't own them. Not mine.
Read here at AO3
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