A Captain Swan and Captain Cobra Swan drabble -- two of ten to count down to season four

Sep 20, 2014 21:05

(Hi! I miss LJ. It's so lovely to see this existing. Let me love you.)

Title: letter (1/10)
Author: queenmabsreveng
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Emma Swan / Killian Jones
Rating: PG

Spoilers: No specific spoilers but vague hints towards S4 bts filming? Set in a non-specific post S3
Warnings: Fluffy domesticity. I guess!
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ten 100 word drabbles to count down to the S4 premiere  -- drabble table from 10_prompts

read at my journal or

Sometimes she would forget - the crisp, cotton shirt sat comfortably across his shoulders and his shower serenades revealed much more lyrical certainty than she could ever claim. His frameless reading glasses only enhanced his eyes which flicked across his Kindle’s screen. Forgetting was simple when after rocky beginnings he settled into such enviable easiness.

It was in the quiet times, when the letters he traced across her bare back tickled in curves and flourishes instead of jagged, modern blocks, that she would drown in the magnitude of the precarious circumstances that brought him across time and realms to love her.

Title: darling (2/10)
Author: queenmabsreveng
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Emma Swan / Killian Jones, Henry Mills
Rating: G
Spoilers: Nope ... again vaguely post S3, but no spoilers.
Warnings: Fishy business. Overuse of italics.
Word Count: 100

Again, my journal or

“It’s a silver darling, Swan!”

“OK, one, you’re making that up. And two, seriously? It’s three inches long! How are you two getting all the good ones?”

“Clupea harengus. Atlantic Herring...it says they’re usually used as lobster bait. Nice catch, mom.”

“Well, we always called them silver darlings.”

“Who, you and your pirate pals sitting around a campfire eating tiny, little, bite-sized fish snacks?”

“Come on, ma, it’s a whole seven inches. Seven.”

“At least two bites, love.”

“You two are the actual worst, you know that, right?”

“Hey, don’t bite the hooks that feed you...darling!”

“The. Worst.”

character: captain hook/killian jones, rating: pg, rating: g, pairing: captain hook/emma, character: henry (junior), character: emma swan, universe: earth

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