Regina+Henry, Robin/Regina Ficlet: For Your Son

May 11, 2014 09:37

Title: For Your Son
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Characters/Pairing: Robin/Regina, Daniel/Regina, Henry
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge/Prompt: Fan-Flashworks: #82: Flight
Word Count: 652
Warnings: SPOILERS! for Kansas
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

You've never been one to back away from a fight or, for that matter, any kind of battle. For years now, you've believed you could win against any one. After all, you changed the world of every one you ever knew. You enacted the dark curse; Rumpelstiltskin could not have done it without you. You changed the land and every one in it; even the Dark One suffered at your hands. But those thoughts no longer bring you pleasure as once they did. They only remind you you still have a great deal of atoning to do.

You can't live the life you want without making that atonement. You can't simply pretend you were never the most evil creature of all. You were worse than the Dark One even. After all, at least everything he did was to get his son back, but what was your purpose? To enact revenge against a little girl who caused your True Love to die? Snow White was only a child; you can see now that she didn't really know what she was doing. Children aren't that bright, but they do control their parents' whole worlds.

You should know. You're looking at yours now. Everything you've done for the last couples of years has been for Henry, and he's still given you back so much more than you can ever give him. You want to take him and run now. For the first time since Daniel, you want to choose flight rather than fight. You're not concerned that your sister will kill you -- it's Henry for whom you care. She already almost killed him. You can't stop her, Emma no longer has her magic, and if she can't be stopped, she will kill him. She will take your whole world.

"You can do it, Mom." You look in those eyes you love so much. You remember reading him bedtime stories and worrying over how red they were when he was first sick. You remember seeing them fill with wonder over the simple joys that awes a child. You remember, too, seeing them look at you with fear for the first time instead of love.

You can see his love for you shining again in his orbs now, but there's something more, something stronger. He's looking at you with all the faith he's previously only had when looking at Emma, his birth mother. You can never be to him what she is. You can't turn back time and give birth to him. But you'll also always be the mother she didn't choose to be. You chose him for your son. You chose to love him, and a part of you dares to think, as he looks at you now, that he finally understands that . . . that and more.

"You have to." His tone is on the edge of a plea now, but he doesn't have to beg you. You'd do anything for him. You've already done the impossible for him before.

You feel a presence behind you and know, before you look up, that Robin is coming. He's another impossible thing in your life. You loved Daniel -- that love will never die or lessen --, but you love Robin, too, now. You have two loves, Henry and Robin, when you thought you'd never love again and that no one could love you. Your life is full of love.

You look into his eyes, and suddenly, you know, you can do it. For Henry, you can do anything. To be the mother he wants, the mother he needs, the mother he deserves, you can do the impossible time and again. Slowly, you smile, feeling his faith build a new kind of power in you, a power you've felt only once before when you broke the curse by giving him True Love's Kiss. You do have the power, and that Witch is going to fry.

The End

rating: pg, pairing: robin/regina, character: henry (junior), universe: earth

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