of golden-tipped arrows // send a hope upon a leaf

Apr 10, 2014 01:00

Title: of golden-tipped arrows
Author: ladygj // ladygalaxyj
Rating: T

Characters/Pairings: Evil Queen|Regina Mills/Robin Hood
Genre: Missing Scene
Warnings: Spoilers for 3x14 The Tower and anything before.

Summary: Missing scene from 3x14 The Tower. Robin is summoned to the Queen's chambers and doesn't know what to expect. She offers him a gift.

Fake LJ-cut to my journal:
( He took one arrow in his hand, rolling it in-between his fingers, weighing it and testing its balance. He approved with a nod. She had outdone herself for this simple thank you gift; it made him think she had other motives. “If I didn’t know any better,” he started putting back the arrow in its bundle, “I’d say you were trying to bribe me…”)

Also available at AO3.

Title: send a hope upon a leaf
Author: ladygj // ladygalaxyj
Rating: K

Characters/Pairings: Evil Queen|Regina Mills/Robin Hood
Genre: Missing Scene
Warnings: Spoilers for 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green and anything before.

Summary: Missing scene from 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green. Why does Regina hide in the forest when she needs to think about the letter? Includes flashback to Fairy Tale Land.

Fake LJ-cut to my journal:
( Regina didn’t know why her feet brought her here. She shouldn’t be taking a stroll in the woods, especially with the Wicked Witch’s -- her sister’s, she corrected -- flying monkeys around. Usually, when she needed time alone, she would escape to her office, her house, or more often her crypt -- but one of the idiots and their daughter were there already. But this forest thing… She could probably get used to it.)

Also available at AO3.

rating: g, pairing: robin/regina, universe: enchanted, character: the evil queen/regina mills, universe: earth

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