New Fic: "Blood Feud" by Rowan Darkstar

Jul 22, 2013 22:16

DISCLAIMER: "Once Upon a Time" and all its wonderful characters belong to ABC and Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, etc.. I borrow them only with love.
CHARACTERS: Regina/The Evil Queen, Mary Margaret/Snow, David/Prince Charming, Emma Swan, Henry Mills,
SPOILERS: Through "The Queen Is Dead" (vaguely)
WARNINGS: Vague reference to past non-con.
SUMMARY: "The spell would not break until they learned to love one another. Or tore one another apart in the trying."
TIMELINE: Generally late season 2 or just after. The majority of the story was written before "Second Star to the Right" aired, so none of the events or character interactions from that final arc are taken into account here.
WORD COUNT: 12,603

Rowan Darkstar
Copyright (c) 2013

("Magic was still spicy on her skin.")

rating: pg13, character: snow white/mary m blanchard, character: henry (junior), character: the evil queen/regina mills, character: emma swan, character: prince charming/david nolan

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